Doosan GridTech (1Energy Systems)
Project summary
Doosan GridTech® delivers control system software and power system engineering services to help distribution utilities and independent power producers integrate distributed energy resources, such as solar and wind power, into the grid. Our control software for energy storage systems (ESSs) runs patent-pending algorithms that help maintain power quality on circuits impacted by solar and other renewables, while taking full advantage of energy storage and other distributed energy resources. The Doosan GridTech platform, based on open standards such as the Modular Energy Storage Architecture (MESA) creates scalable, modular energy storage systems from batteries, power conversion systems and software.
Lead Software Engineer
Developed control system software for utility scale energy storage systems (C#, Modbus, DNP3, WPF). Built first version of distributed energy resource (DER) fleet-management software (ASP.NET, C#, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SQL Server). Gathered requirements, designed, and lead team of 8 developers to build site controller and historian for locations where energy storage is installed alongside other assets (Analog and Digital I/O, ASP.NET, C#, DNP3, Modbus, PostgreSQL, WPF). Lead team of 4 developers to build data collection and analysis platform for Doosan GridTech’s deployed projects (ASP.NET, C#, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SFTP, SQL Server).